Promoting better knowledge about the horse through research and education.

Welcome to the New Zealand Equine Research Foundation, where we are dedicated to advancing the health and welfare of horses through innovative scientific research. Our Foundation is committed to conducting high-quality research that benefits horses in New Zealand and beyond.

We collaborate with leading veterinarians, researchers, and industry professionals to drive advances in equine health and well-being. Our research focuses on a wide range of topics, from infectious diseases and reproductive health to nutrition and behaviour.

At the New Zealand Equine Research Foundation, we recognise the importance of horses in our society and are committed to improving their lives through scientific discovery. Our team is passionate about contributing to the knowledge base of equine health and sharing our findings with the broader community.

Through our website, you can learn more about our current research projects, discover educational resources, and support our foundation's efforts. Thank you for your interest in the New Zealand Equine Research Foundation, and we invite you to join us in our mission to improve equine health and well-being.

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Looking to connect with us? We are always eager to hear from you! If you have any questions, feedback, or inquiries regarding our organisation and its work, please feel free to reach out to us.

News from the NZERF

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments from the New Zealand Equine Research Foundation. Our news section features articles on important research findings, scholarship recipients, and updates from our board members. Don't miss out on the latest insights into equine health and wellbeing – visit our news section today.

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The New Zealand Equine Research Foundation (NZERF) provides a vital service to the horse industry in New Zealand by constantly updating knowledge and providing grants for research into equine health and management…